hidden glory

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Yes, I think that's what the past month has been. And it's been good. But what to do when it finally stops?? It's just too easy to try to keep up the crazy pace. And life seems to be very conducive to being filled with activities, even now that the month of weddings and graduations is finished.

But I think God wants more for his people than busyness. I've been reading a book by Fenelon, called "The Seeking Heart" for the past few weeks. (thanks to my brother for giving me this gift) It convicts me to slow down...to stop...to be in the moment.

"Be still and know that I am God," begins Psalm 46:10, and it finishes with the glorious promise, "I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth." In my stillness it allows me to see how much God is at work -- quite independent from my scurrying around trying to get everything "important" done.

So listen with me to this sentence in Fenelon's book, and do what needs to be done as a result: "How can you hear God speak, in His soft and tender way, when your hurried thoughts create a whirlwind?"



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