hidden glory

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Cold Easter: an oxymoron?

It never fails to surprise me and dismay me how long winter's icy fingers grip this area of the country during the season I used to know as "spring." Here's a clip on weather.com of the current temperature:
Feels Like

Ahh, yes. Quite cold indeed for the 5th of April! And it is supposed to stay this way through Easter. Good thing I didn't go out and get an Easter dress, as is the custom were I in South Carolina. I would be too cold in it!

So at this time of year, I feel like I am forced to have faith that God is a Creator who made seasons...and spring WILL come, though it seems ages away today. Surely there are signs even now: the brilliant yellow blooms outside of my office window, the fresh green grass, the trees budding, the cherry blossoms exploding with color.

And isn't this so similar to what this season of life on earth is like? As ones who hope in the resurrected Christ who will bring life after death for all who trust in Him, I believe that redemption is coming. That God in His full beauty will appear. Yet now we await signs of this life to come. Amidst the pain and the suffering that seems too often to prevail. Still there is new life breaking through: the kindness of a stranger, the generosity of family, healing from abuse, marriages that last a lifetime, parents who love their children, the beauty of sunsets,
vacation, ...

The signs point to a coming Resurrection. Do you believe it is surer than spring's arrival to Philadelphia? May it be so! And may we celebrate the Risen Christ who ushers in true Life this Easter...whether it be while shivering in a winter sweater or enjoying a new Easter spring-like dress. :)


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