hidden glory

Thursday, October 13, 2005

the other side of fall...

...is the melancholy pictured so well by this image. Just days ago, I was exulting in the fresh, crisp air that creates this sense of inward "cozy-ness" pictured by a cup of hot tea and a well-loved book in your favorite nook of your home.

Today, I got into my car and reached out of habit for my sunglasses--then remembered that I don't need them and that I haven't needed them for about a week. For real. We have not seen sun in over a week in Philadelphia. And that gives me time to get melancholic about this aspect of winter coming. I hated that about last winter.

Granted, there were a lot of other very difficult things that made last winter hard. I was going through a very hidden season of glory--and would not be able to see its glory until the season ended. (which coincided with the literal change of seasons) I love sunshine and warm weather and creation and lots of free time with friends. The onset of classes and a regular work schedule and now this dreary chill foreboding winter's entrance...it makes me LONG for full-out redemption and eternal glory. I think heaven will be like year-long summer. With a couple crisp autumn days to give variety--then back to summer again.

Until then, I will try to awake my soul on a dreary day like today with the hope that there is sunshine behind the clouds. And there is a Redeemer at work--though his work may seem hidden behind the darkness we see.


  • Heather,
    That tree reminds me of a poem I wrote recently.

    As days go by
    I find myself
    sitting under a black and white tree
    on someone's blog.
    Waiting for that special comment
    to set me free
    while I wait
    I see an elf stomping by
    Leaves crumbling under foot.
    I reach for my colt 45
    Have a swig.
    Spit a mouthful on him
    He runs away.
    Stupid little elf.
    I laugh at my silliness
    He's not laughing though.
    He's covered in beer.
    And it's all my fault.
    Meanwhile, in a distant land.
    A sound so familiar calls my name
    Ricky! Ricky Tate! you come here.
    But it falls on deaf ears
    For that name is no more.
    Now I go by "H. I. McDonough"

    Ok. I guess you figured it out. I'm making this up as I go and I'm not doing a very good job. Plus you have no idea who I am. I just thought it would be fun to comment on a stranger's blog. Actually, I sort of know your friend Amy Clair Smith. But I'm not telling who I am out of embarrasement of my stupidity. Beware. I may strike again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3:23 PM  

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