hidden glory

Saturday, October 01, 2005

autumn glory

On a dreary winter's day when the sky is laden with snowy clouds the glory of the heavens is very much hidden. And I often find myself wondering if God is good and even if He exists on days like that.

That's wrong, of course, for me to think this way. God is much bigger than his creation and his glory is permanent--even when I can't see it.

But there is something about the beauty of creation unveiled that can lead me to worship. Like today. I just walked outside to mail some bills, and my unsuspecting heart was met by the beauty of a perfectly blue autumn sky. It's a taste of glory. I want to drink it up--to spend all day outside reveling in it.

Isn't that what glory should do? Make us want to join it? Be saturated in it--transformed by it? How can I pursue this on the days when creation itself seems to be disguised?

I believe it's found in Christ. Who is pursuing each of us through these beautiful glory moments when we are caught off guard. And we remember eternity as what we are made to enjoy. An eternal quality of life--and an eternal existence. One that comes in relationship with the one who IS glory.

I want to invite others in. I'm glad that my roommates and I are having a fall party tonight to celebrate the glory surrounding us today. That's another thing about glory: you want to share it with others. Hence the blog world...I'm glad you're a part of it!


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